First Haywards Heath A-level students celebrate 98% pass rate

The first students to complete their A-levels at the new Haywards Heath College are celebrating a fantastic set of results.
The college – which opened in September 2020 – recorded a 98% pass rate for A-levels, according to figures just released for 2022.
More than half of students (51.8%) secured the highest grades of A*-B and 75.2% achieved grades A*-C.
And an impressive 25 out of 31 A-level subjects recorded 100% pass rates.
Paul Riley, Principal at Haywards Heath College, said: “We’ve had a really strong first two years at Haywards Heath College, as we’ve seen in our first full set of A-level results.
“Our students put their trust in us, as a new college, and they have really achieved some phenomenal results. We are incredibly proud of them.
“And to do so after what has been a really challenging few years is amazing. This has been their first experience of sitting external exams for more than two years – they were awarded CAGs (Centre Assessed Grades) for their GCSEs in 2020.
“They also experienced disruption to their learning, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Yet the commitment to their studies has been admirable, they have shown great determination to achieve their goals and worked hard for their grades.
“We congratulate them and look forward to seeing them take their next steps on their educational journeys, whether that’s university, higher education or employment.
“We also say thank you to our staff, our Haywards Heath College team, who gone above and beyond to ensure our students have been supported throughout their time with us.”
19/08/22 Editor’s note: the pass rate has been updated from 97% to 98%.