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The course is intended to encourage students to develop their all-round understanding of Physical Education (PE) and sport focusing on physiology, psychology and sport in society. All theoretical areas of study are linked to elite performance, wellbeing, lifelong health and fitness. In addition to the theoretical study of PE and sport, students are also required to demonstrate their level of practical performance in a chosen sport. Students can and are encouraged to study this course alongside other areas of the Academy of Sport provision, in particular one of our Academy of Sports teams. Topics studied include: Anatomy and Physiology: The skeletal and muscular systems- motion and movement. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems in relation to the performance of physical activity; biomechanical principles, energy systems. Acquiring Movement Skills/ Psychology: Classification of skills and abilities; the development of motor skills in relation to information processing; principles & theories of learning; arousal; aggression; motivation. Sport in Society: Sport in pre and post-industrial Britain; the development of school sport; The Olympics; equal opportunities; impact of sport on society; violence in sport; drugs in sport. A range of teaching and learning styles are used during the course. Formal lessons are combined with discussion, case studies, task-based learning, practical activities, student- led activities, video and teacher led presentations. There will be an emphasis on practical activities to support learning throughout the duration of the course. Teaching resources and course material are available on the student intranet, this material is very important as the course is demanding and intense at times. Individual support is available to all students. 1:1 support is available to all students.
You need a minimum of five GCSEs at 9-4, including a grade 5 in Science and grade 4 in English Language and Maths. You will also need to be able to perform one sport to a high level. • Students need to have an interest in a variety of current sporting factors and issues • Good communication skills • Enthusiasm to apply themselves inside & outside of the classroom • Dedication to achieve the highest grade possible • Students need to be able to learn details of anatomy and physiology and understand how competitive sport affects the mind, body and performance. • Students must be performing at a high level in one sport. Ask for further advice on this if you are uncertain.
Popular combinations include A Levels in Biology and Psychology as these qualifications support the specific areas of study of A Level PE. However, the course ensures flexibility for those students who want to combine their study of sport with any other A Level/Applied General qualifications offered by the college. A Level PE provides an excellent foundation for students intending to pursue careers or higher education courses in; teaching and coaching, sports development, the leisure industry, recreational management, health & fitness, sports science, sports physiotherapy, public services and professional sport.
70% of the A Level is based on performance in the summer examination; 30% is based on practical performance and coursework.