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This course covers all sizes of businesses from those selling locally to those operating globally. All aspects of business will be studied and you will consider the many external influences that require decisions, planning and responses.
You will be introduced to core business concepts and apply them to business contexts to develop a broad understanding of how businesses operate. The core of the first year focuses on the four functional areas of marketing, operations, finance and managing people and considers how decision making improves performance.
The second year of the course moves from looking at the individual functional areas and decision making to strategic decision making for the whole business as well as causes and pressure for change and how to manage change effectively, both in domestic and global markets.
Themes studied are: Theme 1: Marketing and People Theme 2: Managing Business Activities Theme 3: Business Decisions and strategy Theme 4: Global business
A range of teaching and learning styles are used during the course. Formal lessons are combined with discussion, presentations, role play, case studies, task-based learning, and videos, all pitched at a level appropriate to the age and experience of the students. Independent study is a crucial part of this course.
You need a minimum of five GCSEs at 9-4, including grade 4 in English Language and Maths.
No previous knowledge of Business Studies is required; indeed, most students know very little about the subject before they start the course. An interest in current affairs is an advantage. You will need to be confident at writing essays, numerical skills and in analysing information and making judgements.
Business Studies A Level combines well with a very wide range of other A Levels from closely-related Economics, to A Level Maths, to humanities such as A Level Psychology, A Level Sociology, A Level Geography and A Level History, to sciences and creative subjects. You cannot study A level Business alongside CAMTEC Business.
Business Studies is an excellent preparation for higher education in a number of areas, including the further study of the subject itself or economics and entrepreneurship.
It is also an extremely useful background for those considering setting up their own business. It provides an understanding of businesses, which will be useful for nearly all careers and workplaces.
In the second year there are three 2 hour exams taken at the end of the course. All three papers are assessed on one or more of the following contexts; local, national or global. Papers one and two each consists of two parts, each part comprising a data response question broken down into a number of sub questions.
Paper 1 consists questions based on themes 1 and 4 (35% of total marks) Paper 2 consists questions based on themes 2 and 3 (35% of total marks) Paper 3 is based on a pre- released research theme together with data response material and can cover all four themes. (30% of total marks)
There is no coursework in either year.
Students may be assessed for an AS qualification in this course throughout the year and critically at the end of the first year as a measure of progress and determine suitability for progress onto year 2.