Our range of leisure and hobby courses keeps growing, with even more fun and exciting courses starting throughout 2025.
This course extends the mathematical skills you have acquired at GCSE. You will learn to apply your skills to solve more complex problems and apply mathematics to real-life situations. We will teach you how to communicate your mathematics clearly using correct notation and prepare you for degree level study in a mathematical subject. The new A Level Mathematics specification includes algebra, calculus, trigonometry, statistics and mechanics. This course is designed to ensure a smooth transition from higher tier GCSE Mathematics. You will be introduced to topics in an accessible, relevant and enjoyable way. You will be encouraged to use a graphical or Casio Classwiz calculator and all maths classrooms have interactive whiteboards. You will often work in small groups but also sometimes work independently. In addition to lessons there will also be extra support sessions for you to attend and maths teachers are available outside of lesson time for help with homework.
You need a minimum of five GCSEs at 9-4, including grade 6 in Maths and grade 4 in English Language. You will need an interest and aptitude for Mathematics. You will need to build on the knowledge learnt from higher tier Mathematics GCSE. You need to particularly enjoy the algebra you have studied at GCSE.
If you are taking Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science or Electronics then we strongly recommend that you also study mathematics. Many humanities, sciences and business-related subjects have a strong emphasis on maths and therefore it can be useful to study mathematics alongside. (For example with Geography, Biology, PE, Business and Psychology). You can also choose Maths as a sharp contrast to your other subjects to demonstrate that you have a wide range of aptitudes and interests. So combinations with Fine Art or Music or English Literature are not uncommon. It is a valuable qualification in many higher education courses including degrees in Mathematics, the Sciences, Engineering, Finance and Computing and Architecture. Mathematics is also useful for going directly on to training schemes in careers such as engineering, accountancy, insurance, tax and finance.
This course is assessed by examinations at the end of the two year course. There is no coursework. You may be assessed for an AS qualification in this course at the end of your first year as a measure of your progress but this will not count towards your final A Level grade.
You will further improve your GCSE algebra and trigonometry skills and also learn new techniques. We will help you develop the ability to tackle long, complicated problems in a step-by- step way. You will also need to develop the skill of being able to self-assess your progress and plan independent study.